A Tribute ...
It is very unfortunate that in September 2011 eLation closed for business. The farewell message from Allan Dow was simple:
It is with deep regret that eLation Has ceased business.This is doubly sad as it comes at a time when eLation was enjoying success from it's V3 system.This decision was very hard to make and was based on factors relating to health and family - please look after your own.Thank you to all who supported eLation over the last 5 years.Here, I will try to document interesting builds/conversion based on Elation:

Full Carbon Elation build
"Yuba Mundo". An Elation-converted bike to transport the kids!
My own build, Polygon-Quatro Elation conversion

Another conversion of mine, Schwinn road bike converted to Flat Bar and Elation

Vectra Diamondback
Repco conversion with Elation v1
Specialized conversion using Elation v3 motor
Giant conversion - Elation v3
From "Two Girls and Their Bikes" Blog. Giant Cypress.
Installation story with very descriptive pictures!